Trying to find a violin teacher near you? Use our search feature to find and compare violin lessons in your area with private or group classes for beginner, intermediate or advanced students.

The violin is considered to be a very difficult instrument to master. As a beginner student it can be quite tricky to persist with lessons when the initial outcome is probably not what you were expecting to hear. Students may find that when they play it’s a shrieking, squeaky or scratchy noise being produced and this can lead to some quickly giving up. Persistence is key with the violin and with the help of a qualified and professional violin teacher, you will quickly improve. As you get to grips with the instrument you will discover it is one of the most popular and satisfying to play.

Playing the violin is thought to boost creativity, increase self confidence, improve your posture, help with brain development and is considered a brilliant emotional outlet to reduce stress and improve your overall mental health. We can help match you to a violin teacher that best suits your requirements and level of experience. The Lesson Shop will help you find violin lessons near you today.